What assets do I need to release my music?

To release an album please prepare the following materials and gather the relevant information.

Physical Materials:

Song audio, lyrics text (no need for pure music), album introduction (text), artist introduction (text), album pictures, artist pictures

  • Audio:Format: Lossless .wav format; Bit Rate: Minimum 1411kbps; Sample Rate: Minimum 44.1Khz; Transfer Rate: Minimum 16bit.

  • Pictures: Including artist's and album's pictures, in jpg format; artist pictures should contain clear portraits as much as possible, the size is 1000 x 1000 (no selfies), the album picture size is 3000 x 3000;

  • Introduction: Include an introduction about the artist and the album; should be a word document;

  • Lyrics: Include lyrics in an LRC format;

Album Related Information

The album title, album's artist, the album description, song title, song lyrics, song performer, lyricist, songwriter, arranger, featured artists, and other applicable information.

Notes on album cover picture:

Album Pictures overview

Format: JPG, JPEG

Do not contain any price information

Standard square

Do not contain any brand logo and advertising

Size: not less than 3000x3000 pixels

Do not contain any dates

Only keep the artist‘s and album's names

No mention of physical packaging

Images without skewing and cropping

Do not infringe on the copyright of other people’s pictures

Do not mention any contract information, social software account links and email addresses, etc.

Do not contain a barcode

Last updated