How do I pitch to a platform?

As part of our distribution package, we have an editorial team, who free of charge will listen to all highlighted upcoming releases and will pitch them to the relevant stores for album and editorial feature - and we have a successful track record when it comes to features on QQ, Netease, Xiaomi, Huawei, KKBOX, Spotify (local Asian playlists), etc

After uploading your upcoming release on Star Distribution please forward the details for each release, on an email to - - and include the required info in the email text, as it makes it easier for our editors to then translate the text in Chinese.

  • Name of the artist(s)

  • Name of the release(s)

  • Release date

  • UPC

  • Release introduction (up to 5 sentences)

  • Artist introduction (up to 5 sentences)

  • Marketing drivers (optional)

  • ISRC

Last updated