How often will the financial reports be updated?

Reports are sent to you on a monthly basis.

Revenue is always calculated in Β₯ RMB

Reports include everything - sync, streaming, background music (retail and hospitality), etc and includes master and publishing split in different sheets as well as a detailed view.

All reports received by Kanjian in the current month will be updated in the following months' statement.

All channels report at different times. For example, channel 1 will report every 3 months, channel 2 every 1 month and channel 3 every 6 months. Your reports will reflect this.

Channels will report revenue amounts to us on a regular basis. However, they will only pay out revenues once every 6 months. Kanjian reports the revenue gained. However, sometimes you may not be able to withdraw the revenue as the channels won’t have paid us. Rest assured the revenue will be paid to Kanjian Music and to you in the near future.

A sample report is available at

Last updated